Kolpingo darželio savanorė Georgiana: “ScienceFun – kaip nepavykęs eksperimentas gali būti smagus”



Georgiana – chemijos magistrė iš Bukarešto, Rumunijos. 2017 m. rugsėjį prisijungusi prie Kolpingo darželio veiklų, savo EST kelionę Lietuvoje  ji pratęsė anglų kalbos mokytojos vaikų stovyklose pareigose. Taip pat Kolpingo draugijoje dalyvavo Kolpingo Kolegijos konferencijose, tobulino ispanų kalbos žinias lydėdama delegaciją iš Pietų Amerikos, taip pat pasakojo jauniems žmonėms apie savanorystę Kopingo Kolegijoje bei Širvintų r. Gelvonų gimnazijos moksleiviams, prisijungė prie Litdeos organizuojamos “Fairtrade” dienos minėjimo renginių.


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Georgiana, kaip ir dera tikrai chemijos mokslų atstovei, Kolpingo vaikų darželyje daug dėmesio skyrė ScienceFun projektams ir mokslo populiarinimo eksperimentams. Apie vieną iš jų, Georgiana pasakoja ir pati.


Georgiana: SienceFun or how a failed experiment can be fun ?


Friday is the day of experiments, light and fun, especially for children! And, inspired  by and the desire to do something for (and with) the kids, today I made my first experiment!


Experiment of colorful milk! Sounds complicated? Well, it’s as simple and easy as possible. You need:

  • a pie plate, or other round shallow dish
  • milk
  • food colouring
  • q-tips
  • dish soap.

Put some milk in the plate, then a few drops of each color over the milk, spread at 1-2 cm. Then put a stick in the dishwashing detergent and put it in the milk. And boom, we have magic!

Of course, at the same time I expected myself experimenting. But surprise were the colors used that did not react as they should and thus did not scatter the contact with the detergent! And while the experiment was a failure, kids enjoyed and even liked playing with those colors, and teachers had the wonderful idea of transposing colors into a sheet of paper and a few egg-shaped sheets! (that Easter is approaching).

I would say that I had a successful activity simply because the little ones were receptive, enjoyed the experiment, recognized the colors and remembered the names in English! Also, I remembered that even from the failed experiments we can learn something, and with a relaxed and confident attitude it can be a success!

I like this video for the scientific explanation:
